Simplified Privacy on Monero Talk

"Our team appeared on the Monero Talk podcast"

Simplified Privacy on Monero Talk


Simplified Privacy’s Shadow Rebel appeared on the Monero Talk podcast, to discuss the new Session bot software the firm has been creating. This would allow for the uncensored distribution of content, even under the harshest conditions such as an outright Monero ban.

Session Bot

See the instance setup yourself, by sending a message on Session to the ID: “MoneroTalk”
One word, without quotes. You can download session at

1 Hour 17 Min in

It’s a very long podcast, but he starts at 1 hour 17 minutes in,

If you really want to learn and take your privacy to the next level, subscribe to our new content via: Nostr, Bastyon, Session, RSS, Ethereum Push.



Jan 30, 2024

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