Original GUI version of Session Bot: Install Instructions

"Original GUI version of the Bot"

Original GUI version of Session Bot: Install Instructions


This is an overview on how to setup the original GUI version of the Bot on a fresh VPS, please note that we now offer a CLI version to avoid the hassle of VNC setup. For the GUI version, the VPS requires a graphical environment used through the VNC. The first few steps are setting up the VNC and users. If it’s run on a home computer, then this is not required obviously.

If you don’t want to set this up on your own, feel free to reach out. We offer custom setups to do the technical work for you, and provide smooth customer support. There’s no vendor lock-in, since you keep self-custody of your name, list, and funds. And you’d be helping to support development of this project.

Step 0) Upgrade sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Step 1) Install Desktop Environment. We recommend Xfce4

sudo apt install -y xfce4 xfce4-goodies

Step 2) install vncserver

apt install tightvncserver autocutsel

Step 3) User setup

It is a bad idea to use root user for logging into the desktop. So create a normal user with sudo privileges to be used as desktop user.

useradd -m -s /bin/bash USERNAME

Make this user admin: usermod -aG sudo USERNAME

Set a password for the user: passwd USERNAME uesertest

Login as the user: su – USERNAME_HERE

Create a vnc password for this user

Step 4) Create vnc startup file:

nano ~/.vnc/xstartup



xrdb $HOME/.Xresources autocutsel -fork startxfce4 &

Step 5) Make it executable

chmod +x ~/.vnc/xstartup

Step 6) Auto start VNC Server. Create a service file.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@.service

Add (Replace USERNAME with the username you set earlier)

[Unit] Description=Start VNC server at startup After=syslog.target network.target

[Service] Type=forking User=USERNAME Group=USERNAME WorkingDirectory=/home/USERNAME

PIDFile=/home/USERNAME/.vnc/%H:%i.pid ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/vncserver -kill :%i > /dev/null 2>&1 ExecStart=/usr/bin/vncserver -depth 24 -geometry 1920×1080 :%i ExecStop=/usr/bin/vncserver -kill :%i

[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target

Step 7) Enable the service:

systemctl enable vncserver@1

Step 8) Start the VNC server:

systemctl start vncserver@1

Finally just sudo reboot, and connect with VNC.

Step 9) Packages needed to be installed

sudo apt install python3-pip sudo apt install python3-opencv sudo apt install xclip pip install pyautogui sudo apt install python3-tk python-dev sudo apt install gnome-screenshot

Step 10) Make session app image executable First get the Session app from their official website, which is an AppImage. Then it has to be made executable:

chmod +x [FILENAME]

Step 11) Fill in your message text files, these correspond to the text files, pulled up by number. The initial reply is request.txt Step 12) Figure out your billing, you’ll need a BTCPay server to make API calls. Enter a view only Monero wallet in there, or setup bitcoin lightning node.

Step 13) Enter in the whitelisted master key, this goes in Sender.txt file. This is the account on your local device that sends content to the bot. The bot will ask you to confirm if its regular or premium content.

Step 14) Set Session to visually display LIGHT MODE, so the bot can find the buttons. Do NOT keep Session in it’s default black mode. It HAS to be white/light visually for the bot to find buttons.

Step 15) With Session open, open a terminal and run the bot, with python3 Bot.py , and it automatically will take screenshots and utilize the Session buttons. Put the terminal window behind Session, so Session is full screen.

Step 16) Regularly backup your list of followers in the Session-IDs.cvs file

If you don’t want to set this up on your own, we can save you the headache and help you have a smooth experience. Avoid any downtime with your customers and concentrate on your content. Check out our low priced custom setups to do the technical work for you. No vendor lock-in, since you keep self-custody of your name, list, and funds. And you’d be helping to support development of this project. Reach out for a free quote.

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